The Ultimate Guide to Celebrating Pride Month in 2023

pride flag

Pride Month is coming up—a time when we get to look back at the challenges and victories that the LGBTQ+ community has faced and celebrate how far we’ve come in achieving equality and the freedom to express ourselves. 

So how can you get in on the celebration? 

In this guide, we’ll go over why Pride Month is so important and talk about the best ways to take part in the fun!

What Is Pride Month?

Each year, we celebrate Pride Month in remembrance of the Stonewall Riots, which were pivotal points in the United States gay liberation movement. Though the Stonewall Riots were not the first time the LGBT community stood and fought for their rights, it remains one of the most recognized benchmarks of the LGBTQ movement. The uprising took place in Manhattan, in June 1969, when police raided the notoriously gay-and-lesbian-friendly nightclub called Stonewall Inn. 

Protestors took to the streets and for six long days, neighborhood residents and bar patrons violently clashed with law enforcement. They refused to let the oppression faced by the gay community continue and demanded the freedom for each person to be open about their sexual orientation without fear of imprisonment.

This sentiment was not only echoed throughout the United States, but the entire world could feel the need for change. So now, we celebrate Pride Month– marching in the streets and relishing in the freedom that we once didn’t have.

When Is Pride Month?

Though many cities hold Pride events at other times of the year, Pride Month is nationally recognized in June. Across the country, people rise up in celebration, finding fun ways to shout out to the world that they’re proud to be an ally or a part of the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, every year (except during the Trump-Pence administration), the U.S. Embassy flies the Pride flag in support of the LGBTQ+ community.

One of the best places to celebrate Pride is in San Francisco. San Francisco has one of the biggest Pride Month celebrations in the world, taking place in June and culminating in the massive Pride Festival and Parade that takes over Market Street. 

What Is the Pride Symbol?

pride symbol

The universal symbol of Pride is the rainbow flag. It was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker of San Francisco as a representation of inclusivity that embraces all the different identities included in the LGBTQ+ movement. Since then, it has been updated to include other groups that are often overlooked in the movement. The rainbow flag is now flown at Pride and other LGBTQ+ events around the world. It symbolizes inclusivity, resistance against oppression, and celebration of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle and movement.

5 Ways To Celebrate Pride

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community, often called simply LGBTQ+, has many ways to celebrate Pride. Here are some of our favorites:

Take Part in a Pride Parade

Pride parades and other Pride events occur year-round in cities and towns across the country and the world. Pride parades, in particular, are the highlight of most pride celebrations around the world and are loads of fun to participate in. Take a look at the global listing of Pride events and parades published by the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association for something near you! 

Learn About LGBTQ+ Literature, Television, and Film

The LGBTQ+ community has produced a wide range of literature, television shows, and films in the last couple of decades. Much of it is dedicated to their struggle against discrimination and oppression and revolves around activist themes.

Check out this list of the top books by LGBTQ+ authors to get started learning more today. Or if you’re looking for something more binge-worthy, here is a list of LGBTQ+ television series to watch this Pride month and here is a top list of the best LGBTQ+ movies ever made. Enjoy!

Give to LGBTQ+ Nonprofits

Many LGBTQ+ nonprofits rely on donations and gifts from supporters to keep doing the important work they do for the community. This includes fighting against discrimination and helping members of the community who are disadvantaged in different ways. Consider giving to LGBTQ+ communities to help keep the momentum going. The SFGMC annual fundraising drive is underway right now; click here to help us keep producing great music. 


Learning the History of Pride Month

Learning about the Stonewall riots and important figures in the gay liberation movement, like Harvey Milk, is also a meaningful way to support the LGBTQ+ movement and celebrate Pride Month. Here is a great list of LGBTQ+ resources you can draw from to learn about the history of Pride Month and why we should all attend and show our support. 

Wear LGBTQ+ Friendly Clothing

lgbtq people holding pride flags

When you wear LGBTQ+-friendly clothing, you publicly support the movement and help us advance the cause by making it more mainstream. Many shops in San Francisco and online specialize in LGBTQ+ clothing, including the Gay Pride Apparel shop. Get colorfully fitted for the next Gay Pride parade and festival. 

Learn the Different Flags and What They Mean

Flags serve as sociopolitical representations of visibility, community, and belonging. Throughout the country, you may have seen a variety of Pride flags at community celebrations and festivals, outside homes and businesses, on sidewalks, and even flown over Congressional buildings. Each flag represents a different group within the LGBTQ+ community and by learning what each of them means, you can help everyone feel more seen. 

Support the LGBTQ+ Community

The LGBTQ+ community is vibrant and creative and has overcome many obstacles, but there is still much more work to do. Consider supporting the SFGMC this Pride Month with a one-time or annual donation today!



What happens during Pride Month?

Pride Month is full of festivals and celebrations, as well as events like film festivals, book readings, and talks that celebrate the LGBTQ+ movement. Different cities and countries celebrate Pride differently, but the most common form of celebration is a parade that takes over the streets and fills them with music and dancing. This carnival of color and fun actually has its roots in the street protests that broke out after the Stonewall raids in New York City in 1968. Now, Pride parades are the cornerstone of Pride Month pretty much everywhere in the world.

How Do I Celebrate Pride Month as an Ally?

Allies are not only welcome but essential to the LGBTQ+ movement. They help us get our message to the mainstream and act as front-line support for our cause when it comes to protests, demonstrations, and other actions against discrimination. Allies show up for the LGBTQ+ community when there are incidents that require massive numbers of support and to celebrate with us, which is usually a lot of fun.

When Did Pride Month Start?

Pride Month started in June 1968 with the Stonewall riots in New York City. It has been celebrated annually since then. In 1999, President Bill Clinton declared June the official Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in honor of these riots and the Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement that was born from them. In 2011, President Barack Obama expanded the definition of Pride Month to include the entire spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community.